The Quantification Analytics Tool (QAT), is a modernized solution for country-led forecasting and supply planning. Funded by USAID, QAT leverages new technologies and enhances the existing tools such as, PipeLine and Quantimed. With an enhanced user interface and usability, greater analytical capabilities and automated data exchange, this new tool enables program managers to easily build multiple forecasts for comparison and selection, optimize commodity procurement and delivery schedules, monitor the stock status of products and share data with external platforms and key stakeholders.For more information regarding QAT, please contact the FASP Team at
Since QAT’s Supply Planning module was first launched in December 2020, the GHSC-PSM HSS FASP Team has been working to train countries to utilize the tool as a modernized solution to legacy software. In June 2022, QAT’s Forecasting module was ready for use and many countries have adopted it for use during their routine quantification workshops. By the end of October 2023, 41 countries will have been trained to use QAT. Of those, 26 have been trained to use both the supply planning and forecasting module.
The QAT solution includes internal and external integration, interoperability and Application Programming Interfacing (API) for data exchanges with other procurement and logistics management information systems. Currently, QAT is integrated with GHSC-PSM’s procurement platform, ARTMIS, and the Global Family Planning VAN. Additionally, QAT provides csv, xml and Excel templates for the export or import of data to and from other systems.