- Both sex and gender and how they influence the outcome of vaccination must be considered.
- Analysis of PV data disaggregated by sex, gender, and hormonal status will help to better understand the safety, efficacy, and effects of the new COVID-19 vaccines.
Practical suggestions
- PV monitoring, including mortality data and dosage requirements, need to be sex- and age-disaggregated AND include hormone status of individuals. Are they:
- Pre-menopausal?
- Pregnant?
- Peri- or post-menopausal?
- On hormone replacement therapy (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone) due to menopause, reproductive cancers, or gender transition?
- On hormone deprivation therapy (androgen or estrogen) for treatment of reproductive cancers or for gender transition?
- All of the above hormone status variables (especially pregnancy status) should be considered for inclusion into active vaccine safety surveillance.
Having these PV data will provide a better understanding of what causes the observed virulence differences between sexes and genders and should bring us closer to implementing sex- and gender-specific medical treatment by improving therapeutic choices necessary to get the pandemic under control.